The Africa advisory committee was first launched by FSC Africa during the regional members meeting held in Accra, Ghana in August 2022 with six members selected from across the continent. Following that, FSC initiated a call for nominations from its membership. The process ended with the selection of three FSC Africa members to join the committee.
With the full constitution of the Africa advisory committee, FSC Africa gains access to high-profile sectoral talent that can guide the organisation’s efforts across the continent.
The members of the committee include Dr Musonda Mumba (Zambia) – secretary general of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar); Brian Aitken (South Africa) – experienced forester, forestry entrepreneur and former chair of Forestry South Africa; Professor Godwin Kowero (Tanzania) – a well-known forest economist who founded and is the current executive secretary of the African Forest Forum; Dr James Kiyiapi (Kenya) – forestry academic and senior government official (former permanent secretary in the Ministries of Environment and Health); Prudence Galega (Cameroon) – one of Africa’s negotiators at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Biodiversity, who worked as a judge before becoming permanent secretary at the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development; Dr Yemi Katerere (Zimbabwe) – former chief executive of the Zimbabwe Forest Commission and former regional director for Eastern and Southern Africa of the International Union for Conservation of Nature; Edward Mupada – Africa regional director, Navigators Africa; Dr Michal Brink – CEO of CMO and FSC Economic Chamber member; and Dr Marie Mbolo (Cameroon) – lecturer at the University of Yaoundé I.
Congo Basin and West Africa coordinator

HE FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL® (FSC®)Africa has appointed Patrick Piemme Epie as its new coordinator of the Congo Basin and West Africa.
With a background in environmental science, quality management and occupational health and safety, Patrick will lead the management of the FSC Congo Basin sub-regional office.
He will be responsible for developing and implementing a sub-regional programme that aligns with and contributes to the delivery of the FSC Mission as outlined in the Global Strategy 2021-2026. Patrick will also lead the operational (technical, administrative and financial) planning and delivery of the FSC Global Strategy in the sub-region, with the goal of achieving at least 10 million hectares of FSC-certified forest in the Congo Basin by 2026.