Adding to this treat’s overall allure, chocolate packaging now features exciting opening and resealing experiences, artisan chocolates continue an upward trend in the premium sector, organic and raw chocolate appeals to the health conscious among us, while fair-trade appeals to ‘doing its bit’. And, wrapping it all up, clever packaging designers and manufacturers make these treats impossible to ignore at point of sale.
Recently we’ve seen more focus on ingredients with Cadbury’s glass-and-a-half (of fresh milk) campaign and designers drawing inspiration from products’ ingredients. And, on the subject of ingredients, how can you not make your way through Lindt’s slab range – salt, chilli, blueberry, orange, etc – if not just to know what salt or chilli chocolate tastes like?
From a packaging perspective, international trends focus on sustainable materials, cut-aways to reduce weight and provide impact through these apertures, sleeves instead of cartons and, of course, compostable materials – there’s no doubt that packaging minimisation and carbon reduction are here to stay. Award-winning finishes – embossing, debossing, matt and gloss materials, foiling, tactile substrates and ingenious creases and folds for gift packs – also add appeal to the luxury of these treats.
There’s no doubt that the supermarket shelves are a chocoholic’s dream, whether for a special occasion, a rainy day or just any day really!