Since our last report (PPM Sept10, p12), in which we reported Venk-Pac’s R50-million-plus capital outlay, set to increase capacity by an additional 500 tons/month, Ricky Naidoo has kept busy overseeing the commissioning of some truly leading-edge technology from Reifenhäuser Kiefel Extrusion, Windmöller & Hölscher, Sys Tec and Pelican; and is currently awaiting the arrival of a ‘secret’ turnkey project from Windmöller & Hölscher and local agent Ipex Machinery – due for delivery in mid-April.
And now Ricky is pleased to confirm that a new Comexi Nexus Dual laminator, supplied by Advanced Packaging Technology, is firmly ensconced at the factory and poised to add value and unparalleled quality to Venk-Pac’s operation.
It was six years ago that Venk-Pac upgraded equipment with a Comexi Nexus One solventless laminator to produce a range of flexible packaging constructions, from standard and metallised film to lightweight paper and aluminium foil.
Versatility is the key concept behind the latest higher-spec Nexus Dual line, set to further enhance Venk-Pac’s lamination capacity. It features a quick plug-in system, as the pressure cylinder is sleeved and removed from the side without tools; and a locking-unlocking device that works with pressurised air. It also includes a high-performance drying tunnel to ensure vapour evaporation. Air volume can be regulated and it incorporates devices for air recycling and solvent level control.
Before rewinding, a chiller roller refrigerates the laminated film prior to storage; and the trolley for solvent-based adhesives is provided with a doctor chamber for in-line gravure printing, adhesive and cold seal application in register, to within 0,1mm, with a motorised nip and photoelectric cell.
The laminating group comprises a heated steel cylinder, an additional cylinder coated with a high-density rubber layer and a third cylinder that provides pressure against the other two, guaranteeing no air bubbles.
Pneumatic compensators installed in the unwind and rewind section ensure consistent and accurate tension control, which guarantees proper unwinding for high-speed form-fill-seal and flow-wrap applications without risk of delamination.
‘I believe there’s a lack of understanding in the local market on cold sealing and little grasp of the real cost savings that can be realised. With growing demand from multinationals for cost-effective, premium printed products, the time is right to highlight the benefits that can be achieved by providing more attention to detail,’ explains Ricky. ‘I chose the Comexi Nexus Dual for its quality and versatility, and Comexi’s excellent customer service. It can operate with or without solvents with cold seal, heat seal, lacquer, varnish and even one-colour gravure printing. The service I’ve received from Comexi and its local agent, Gary Kieswetter of Advanced Packaging Technology, has been exemplary.
Two Comexi technicians have installed and commissioned the equipment and provided advanced in-house operator training. And Gary, with whom I’ve dealt since our first Comexi purchase, has given 100% in terms of service and support.’
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