UPFRONT 3 Editor’s Letter: Let’s avoid another plastic-bag-type debacle 7 Company news and industry events 17 Environmental news
PRINT MATTERS 21 Printing Consumables: Luxury binding from The Graphic Warehouse 22 Print Industry News: HP’s high-value applications on show 23 Screen Platerite boosts plate production at Davmark 26 Mailstream: Dynamic workfl ow for government departments 27 Flexo Forum: Tension control in CI presses 29 Evolutionary cutting rule increases press capacity 30 Print Rollers: What’s so sexy about a roller? 33 Ink Matters: Increased safety for food packaging 35 Bright green future for Unistar Inks 37 BATSA honours Seal Chemistry – again! 38 Paragon Inks – savings and optimisation 39 Low-migration systems from Sun Chemical 40 INKday seminar marks Siegwerk centenary 41 Colour Management: Paper is the fi fth colour
CONVERTING MATTERS 43 Special Report: Unpacking the exhibits to be seen at Labelexpo 71 Plastics in Packaging: Primo Holdings chooses Maritime Marketing for new equipment 75 Flexible Packaging: Web guide systems save waste and money 78 Positive Packaging offers global strength locally 80 Glass Packaging: Consol’s Nigel site on track 81 Consol drives environmental sustainability 82 Striking label designs for Brutal Fruit’s relaunch 83 Nampak Weigand Glass launches ultra-lightweight wine bottle 84 Converting Show: ICE Europe – leading event for converting specialists
FMCG PACK 86 Clive Glover picks his packs 89 Pouch Pageant: Kangopak joins the stand-up pouch game 91 Nampak Flexible’s pouches stand tall 92 Local is lekker at Pouch Dynamics 93 Foster Packaging’s enviable reputation in the pouch market 94 Food Packaging: Precision cooking with Avery Dennison’s steam valves 96 Lidding & Sealing: Packit launches new Top Lid machine 97 Filling & Packing: Future Packaging’s continued growth 99 Faster speeds for tray presentation 100 Pakmatic’s fl aw-free stickpacks 102 Packing line performance from Ishida 102 Carton sealing solutions from Future Packaging 103 Outsource Digest: Westpack fi nds a new home 105 Coding, Marking & Labelling: Open Date’s display for PPMA 107 Three dimensions of values from Zetes 108 Signea grows with EBS-Systeme 110 Barcodes – where is the quite zone? 113 Domino demonstrates fastest scribing laser 115 Inspection Systems: One sensor detects all 118 Conveying & End-of-Line: Streamlined conveying moves more products
FINISHING TOUCHES 119 PACSA: The industry waste management plan: what’s it about? 123 PIFSA’s PrinTalk 127 IPSA News: Eastern Cape Region’s events 128 Northern Region’s bowled over 129 Inauguration of the Tanzanian Institute of Packaging 130 Farewell to Brian Edwards 131 Yours irreverently 131 Diary 132 Index of advertisers and their web addresses
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