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Directory (Old)

The Ultimate Industry Directory

WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE 2017/2018 Directory Coming Soon.

This is the definitive directory from the publishers of the highly-acclaimed PACKAGiNG & Print Media magazine. Designed to meet the needs of commercial printers, packaging printers/converters, and specifiers of packaging materials and machinery among consumer goods manufacturers, it’s evident that no buyer in any of these interdependent fields should be without this particular guide.

There may be other directories on the market but this definitive industry handbook is supreme in a number of aspects, and brings with it the understanding, expertise and flair of the PPM team.

Given our many years’ involvement and complex layers of profound knowledge of these related sectors, it makes absolute sense to bring this unparalleled expertise to another publication – a really useful directory.

It’s user-friendly, it’s totally up-to-date, it’s an accurate and comprehensive resource, and above all it’s completely relevant and totally focused on the packaging and printing sectors. Adding to its accessibility, the PACKAGiNG & Print directory (PPD for short) is available in both printed and online versions.

Given the meticulous compilation process, this is bound to become the undisputed ‘go-to’ guide for comprehensive listings of suppliers of raw materials, equipment and consumables for commercial printers; for packaging printing and converting equipment; for packaging containers and materials; for packaging machinery; for company information, services and consultants –in fact, for just about everything that’s required throughout the entire printing and packaging supply chain.

Having said all that, however, we are aware that some companies listed here might have supplied inaccurate information, which, despite our eagle eyes, has gone undetected. We would, therefore, ask you to let us know of any such errors.

And, of course, inform us if your company isn’t listed here but should be!

Gill Loubser signature

FiPkg (SA) 
Honorary member: international Packaging 
Press Organisation