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Associations & Partners

Flexographic Technical Association of South

The Flexographic Technical Association of South Africa (FTASA)’s prime purpose is to increase the technical knowledge and skills of those involved in the flexographic print industry, and to provide adequate opportunities for FTASA members and others involved in the flexo industry to share knowledge.

Another aim is to ensure staff training to acknowledged standards, and the Association works closely with Printing SA, as well as flexographic technical associations in the US, UK and Germany. Additionally, the FTASA presents seminars, workshops and forums where local and overseas experts present papers of a technical nature.

The FTASA’s official mouthpiece is PACKAGiNG & Print Media.

FoodStuff SA/drinkstuff sa

These complementary B2B websites and combined weekly e-newsletter mirror and report on local and global news, trends and developments of pertinence to all food and beverage industrialists. They aim to please a broad readership with great content that’s topical, provocative, insightful and always interesting.

the glass recycling company

The Glass Recycling Company (TGRC) was established in 2005 to increase glass reuse through returnable bottles and recycling in South Africa. The country currently has one of the most sophisticated glass bottle return systems in the world, and all new glass produced has a minimum 40% recycled content.

This voluntary industry initiative is supported by 19 shareholders, including the two glass packaging manufacturers and the majority of food and beverage brand owners who package their products in glass.

TGRC’s other key focus areas include promoting entrepreneur development and job creation; capacity building and developing synergies with all levels of government and NGOs.

Gold Pack Awards

The Institute of Packaging’s Gold Pack Awards programme is a prestigious event that promotes innovation and gives development teams the opportunity to put their best solutions on show.
The Gold Pack Awards official media partner is PACKAGiNG & Print Media.


Graphics Packaging Communications is the publisher of Nigeria Packaging Magazine – the premier magazine for the Nigerian packaging industry, and the official mouthpiece of 
the Institute of Packaging Nigeria. 
A member of the World Packaging Organisation and founding member of the African Packaging Organisation, Nigeria Packaging Magazine is available in print and digital editions. 
The magazine is fast becoming popular among packaging experts, investors and end-users, with over 25 000 subscribers.

Institute of Packaging South Africa

The Institute of Packaging SA (IPSA) is dedicated to the development of the art and science of packaging. This is achieved through a comprehensive multilayer national educational programme and frequent contact with its members by way of monthly meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences and social events held in four regions throughout South Africa.
IPSA also maintains close ties with overseas organisations of a similar nature and is a full member of the World Packaging Organisation.
The Institute’s official mouthpiece is PACKAGiNG & Print Media.


Established in 2017, MetPac-SA is the producer responsibility organisation tasked with looking after the recycling of steel, tinplate and aluminium packaging. Its key focus areas are drafting an industry waste management plan for the metals packaging sector; liaising with other role-players, stakeholders, government departments and industry associations to work towards better and more balanced legislation; managing issues and threats affecting the metals and canning industry; conducting statistical surveys of the industry; promoting the benefits of metal packaging; as well as preparing common messages and creating communication programmes on behalf of members for a wider audience.

Packaging SA

In 2015, the Packaging Council of South Africa changed its name and brand identity to Packaging SA to better describe its role of providing industry representation and leadership on major industry issues – especially those affecting more than one member or industry group and requiring strong industry representation. 

Packaging SA actively promotes the benefits of packaging with the primary focus on environmental issues.

Closely associated with the Institute of Packaging SA, Packaging SA is a voluntary industry body with three membership categories – converters, associates and affiliates. Converter members represent some 70% of the revenue generated by the industry. Associates are major raw material suppliers and affiliates are customers and major recyclers.


PETCO is the trading name of the PET Recycling Company. This non-profit company was incorporated in 2004 and has since emerged as a leader in extended producer responsibility. 

By imposing accountability over the entire lifecycle of PET products and packaging, companies that manufacture, import and/or sell PET products and packaging are financially and physically responsible for these products after their useful life.

plastics sa

In 2011, the Plastics Federation of South Africa changed its name and brand identity to Plastics|SA as part of its aim to represent an industry that is dynamic, modern and in step with international developments.

As the umbrella organisation for the plastics industry in South Africa, Plastics|SA plays an active role in its growth and development. Together with related associations, it strives to address plastics-related issues, influence role players and to make plastics the material of choice.

Plastics|SA operates from a head office in Gauteng and regional offices in KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.

Plastics Institute of Southern Africa

The Plastics Institute of Southern Africa (PISA) has a number of aims and objectives, some of which include advancing the standards and methods of education in the fields of plastics, high polymers and related subjects, to promote development of the art, science and technologies of these subjects and to encourage research in their development and application. It also aims to source, provide or manage scholarships, prizes and training grants, to award certificates, to organise courses of study and to form and maintain libraries and other educational media relating to plastics, high polymers and allied subjects.


Polyco (the Polyolefin Responsibility Organisation NPC) is focused on making waste a valuable resource that works for the economy. Polyco aims to grow the collection and recycling of polyolefin plastic packaging in South Africa, to reduce the amount of plastic packaging going to landfill and to end plastic waste in the environment. They do this by collaborating with multiple stakeholders, by investing in recycling innovation and infrastructure in South Africa, and by educating both the industry and the consumer about recycling. 

Polyco was established as a non-profit organisation in 2011 by a group of South Africa’s responsible polyolefin plastic-packaging converters to deal with polymer identification codes 2, 4, 5 and 7 and they represent the largest polymer group in SA, with approximately 196 000 tonnes of polyolefin packaging being mechanically recycled annually.

Polystyrene Packaging Council

The Polystyrene Association of SA, a non-profit organisation, facilitates the recycling of polystyrene throughout South Africa. This NPO’s short- and long-term objectives are to set up resources and mechanisms to deal with projects that enhance the reputation of polystyrene packaging, as well as projects that grow the industry while ensuring effective recycling activities.

The Polystyrene Association focuses on promoting the sustainable development of PS products, and its activities are intended to assist producers, customers and end users.

Printing SA

Printing SA, formerly branded as the Printing Industries Federation of South Africa, is a trade organisation that for more than a century has represented the needs and interests of its members throughout South Africa.

Members include manufacturers of printed materials in various forms, as well as suppliers to the printing industry.

Assistance is provided to members on a wide spectrum of matters from internal staff queries to dealing with government and other institutions and organisations in terms of legislation and training requirements. 

Printing SA also promotes the interests of its members and the printing industry at large.

SA Association for Food Science & Technology

SAAFoST is the Association for Food Scientists, Technologists and other Professionals serving the food and allied industries in South Africa. The organisation provides its members with valuable networking and knowledge-sharing events and publications. SAAFoST promotes education and professionalism as well as an appropriate legislative structure in the industry.

South african vinyls association

The Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA) is a representative body for the local PVC industry, fulfilling an active role in its sustainability. 

With the support of its members, SAVA addresses PVC-related issues and constructively engages with stakeholders and role-players to create a positive environment for a vibrant and sustainable PVC industry.

SAVA operates from offices in Gauteng and the Western Cape.